Hiring Manager Notifications

Hiring Manager Notifications

Hiring Manager Notifications

Deliver real-time insights to your hiring team’s inboxes.

✍️ Get instant email alerts on key job updates so your hiring team is always in the loop.

Real-time data insights

Deliver real-time insights based on inploi's extensive data directly to hiring teams. Our solution offers the ability to notification of any job changes, underperforming job reports, pending applications, and more.

Fully customisable

Tailor the timing and recipients for different notification types based on what works best for your team's workflow.

Streamline Hiring Processes

Efficient communication and decision-making are paramount, especially for larger recruitment teams. By providing timely updates and insights, our notifications streamline your hiring processes, ensuring that your team stays informed and can make decisions more efficiently.

This is amazing work thanks all for pulling all this together, this is a huge help for us both administrative resource wise and giving managers a far more real time view of their jobs.

Dan Pitman - Data & Insights Manager @ Compass Group

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